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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Class : Duty kite Everyday .

Hii ! Today, wani nak cite pasal my class laa yg terAMAT bising tuhh ! HAHA' . Mcm biase laa gamba ataas tuhh Introduction for Entry ari nii . Ohyaa ! jOM Bace nak ? Jom ~!

Nak tahu ta ?? 1 Azalea nihh class yg keDUA terbising . HOHO' harap kelas je A , Student je A but, MasyaAllah ta tahu nak ckp daa cm ne nihh ! Okaay . 

Mase KH .

Bile Time cikgu ROHA msok smua diamm jee. Bkn maen senyp kan korunk ? Tahu pon takott . Shh ! But, kalo cikgu ED . Huh jgn ckp laa . Harapan je nak surohh senyap . Then, mula laa menggile dgn membuad kecohh AND bising kat belakang . (walaupon bln PUASE)

Mase Math

Ad yg bising, ad yg senyp AND ad yg tekunn aj buad latihan sampai  (BOM meletupp ta perasan) . Haha' mcmmcm laa korunk kan ? 


Arghh ! Nii yg paling Wani benci . Time ni la yg paling Bising . 1 dahlia masok 1 azalea . Huhh. Bising + Bising . Bgoss sngt kan ? Sush nak belajaa ! Walaupon Bulan Puase tetap Bising . (Mcam Monyet) !

Mase BI

Okaay . Teacher Shera laa . Lalala . Salah sikit ONE DOLLAR please . Huh ! Duit Wani . Not one dollar la teacher but  one Ringgit (For Malaysia) . Hemm' Iman pulak asyikk tiru gaye Teacher . Jadi kodd ko baud ! HAHA . Time BI jee Nithiya ckp je bdkbdk laki menyampok . Diorg ckp : " Abisabis . Hancur Dunia " . Haha . Ap je laa korunk kan ?


Haha . Cute tau Teacher yg mengajar kitorang nihh ! Comellcomel . Wani ske care die cakap . Waa ! Lembut tau . But, Paham laa die ajar . Best !!

* That's all

Lalala . Bye nak Online pulak

Penat membaca ? Likelike

1 comment:

  1. 0ne ringgit??teachershera minx?? hahhaha.... byk2.. kte org taon lpas ten sen je... pn shera dah naik kan harga..
